Thoughts of a wandering mind
ok its time for one of those big long random babbles....
hmm baptism, the proclaimation, the command and the explaination. Finally it makes sense, i see all angles and viewpoints, yet still i am not. am i waiting, should i wait, what am i waiting for?
is there a specific time or should it be immediate? Jesus waited till jus before he started his ministry.... is that what i do? many thoughts come to his head, but many more are still to come. A rediscovering of things once learnt perhaps... alice thought she was deep enough but she had only jus begun. what if i throw out random words and numbers, sacrificial, 3 , superficial, 13 , constraint, dentist , tea party, 1066 , abundant, apostle, design, 47, s114, yoko ono and 4815162342.
See when you think about these random numbers and words will mean something to someone, somewhere. And my typing them has affected someone to think on that memory or thought, therefore me influencing their life. So if we affect people's lives is that mind control or complete luck? or mebbe is it even God inspired? mebbe God will use those words and numbers to affect different people around the world.
The point i'm saying here is, things that are so small to us can affect people in different ways, like who knows but God, the affect we've had on others. mebbe upset them, caused them pain, made them cry or even laugh. mebbe made them look at something different or changed a part of them, mebbe even inspired them. mebbe gave them that push to marry that girl, take that job, give money to the hungry or even give there soul over to God.
Are these words still random?
The hole deepens now, you can see as i see, or not is closer to the truth, a dark hole into the unknown parts of your mind, the mind that was God given, only one person knows how deep the whole goes and only one person can give a completely accurate wiki entry about it.
People can only take you and change you so far.
but there is One that can redefine , not just you, but the entire existance around you.
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