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The Phoenix's Hideout

Music reviews and random going ons of the Silver Phoenix


the hoard (discussion please)

they say that good boys walk straight on white lines
good boys keep their livers clean
and smoke out of their lungs
cause its all about what youve done
good boys dont make mistakes to learn from

cause when heaven comes
they wont be caught being young

grace make your way to the well
to those who deserve it
after all theyve earned it
but vain, its in vain
cause they dont need it

theyre steady breathers
who wont lift a finger for the gasping weaker
you just hoard your hollow completion
like its something wearing thin
like its gonna get you in
when heaven comes

cause when heaven comes
i swear it comes in love

grace make your way to the well
to those who deserve it
after all theyve earned it
but vain, its in vain
cause they dont need it

now i let go of your hand somewhere between
love and what it demands of me

grace make your way


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