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The Phoenix's Hideout

Music reviews and random going ons of the Silver Phoenix


Item Acquired

Yes dave has indeed came into possesion of a PA system. as of today :D


Xmen series1 episode 2

here's the next installment


Knock Knock

Ben Reilly. Who is this guy? I do not know him. Nor do I recognize his face. Yet I used to see it every day. I used to be at most 100m away from him every day. Yet I do not know him, didn't even know he existed. But yet to someone he was a son, a brother, a cousin, a girlfriend or a friend. A living person, a soul. He supported Spurs, he loved football and everything about it. He had a life on the internet. He cried, got angry, was embarrased and enjoyed life, just like the rest of us. This person lived and loved until that night, the night were joy and good times were met with sorrow and mourning. The night were all was ripped away from his life on earth.

They try to tell us that death is the end. They try to say there is nothing more. Ask his family, is that what they believe now. That they are never going to see "their" Ben again, he's gone for good. No more.

I don't know where Ben stood in regards his beliefs, but I cannot believe that death is the end. I know, I know there IS something more. There has to be, we can't just live our lives and die and that's it, can we?

For me this life is not the end. For me there is something more. For me I have an eternal life, my soul lives on for ever, in the paradise beyond the sky. There is more, there is eternity and for me that eternity is with Jesus in heaven. What is it for you?

R.I.P. Ben Reilly, may God bring comfort to his close one's hearts

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Wednesday is over..

Like I am such a zombie now...... 7 am for the madien city, the home at 5, work at 5:30 and its midnight now.... man i think ill take tomoro off, oh wait i have to finish that podcats thing (podcats miaow)... so yeah i bought 2 new pairs of footwear today. A pair of corded converse and a pair of ethnies. And some DVDs and some games... man i'm such a student...I think its about time i put a serious post up here sometime soon.. but for now LONG LIVE THE ZOMBIE DAVE eeeegggggggggghhhhhh

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Wed morning...

I'm really tired... I was out till late last nith and had to get up at 7. like 4 hours sleep... ehhhhhhhh
Ok i'm goin to Derry/Londonderry today, so yeah LOOOOOOOOOOOONG trip


XMEN Season episode 1

Ok, so on a weekly thing, I'm gonna start showing Xmen episodes... the ones from i was a kid, here's the first.. enjoy


Listen to the music

Ok in regards to my earlier post about music. I have found a rather cool track, it's called

Everything to Come by Eluvium

Check it out there. Things have a bit frying on the old head this while, I guess I think a lot.

Like what else should i post, oh and the next podcast is up soon, have to get that done



no-one ever comments on my blog.. and I don't think anyone reads it. Have to get a site meter



You know after reading Crowder's book. It has got me thinking, I have had a very fortunate life. Even through little hard things, it hasnt been that bad. I've eventually managed to get to college into a course I really enjoy, I have the coolest and trusting and awesome friends, both here and worldwide. I've got to hang out with a few of my heroes and they've had a great impact on my life. My family are still together. Most of my relatives have all made up, my life has all made sense. Apart from one thing... Am I not being thankful enough? Do I not give enough praise to Him who made it this way? Am I always looking for something more? As someone once told me, I was the type of person who will always want all of God's heart. It's true, I'm always seeking to find out more and more. Though my faith is a simple one and no earthly ideas can sway me from it, I still find myself trying to discover more, so much so I don't get much sleep. I know I'm not make things from mid-air but should I just sit content with the life I live for God? My personal answer is no. Jacob wrestled with God, he would not let Him go until he was blessed. Dare I say I'm doing the same thing?
Here's the wrap, I get Joy from wrestling, I find peace from lying in bed all night my head alive and uneasy with the power and wonders of Him. My life makes perfect sense, but my head doesn't. There is so much to learn and I need to know. If knowledge is infinite then something tells me I waste too much time.

I look for God in everything, listen for His whisper in all that happens in my life. All events, all rests, all TV shows, all meals even someting mundane as a train journey. All of which hold clues, clues that explain more of God. Listen to the sound of the world spinning round and you will hear God's whisper.

One thing I have learnt and I will share with you. Music is a lot of the battle, music defines who people are. Do you not understand?

Let me explain: People who listen to certain types of music, makes habits of that music. Music taps into our very souls, that's why a lot of responses do emotional music in the background. To amplify what they are saying. Another issue here: Is that right? to manipulate people? sure some say it is God convicting. But I think the music has a lot to do with it.

Back to music: Why does worship music sound the way it does? Does God prefer this type of music? or is it the best music that can be used to open an man's heart? this is where it changes. How can it therefore be someone truely worshipping God, if the music has changed them and not a self recognition of there sins. And then how can it be a conviction? Worships starts from the heart NOT from the ears. Jesus set us free, we should worship Him. We should get ourselves into a state that we don't need a particular type of music for us to open up our hearts. We should find worship in everything. Every living thing resonates some sort of music. We use that music to worship God. This is the music God prefers. Everything. Making a habit out of praise or worship. So that we worship Him in everything we do. The music in everything will open our hearts to conviction. The difference is this music was made by God and not by man. If we use God music to worship Him then things will move forward and so will we.

oh and here is a site is just found you may like

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So yes.... this is the way it is

Ok so after the solid hard work of last nights mannafest.. pfft hard work lol. It was more of a test of endurance. Anyway, I slept most of the day and i feel weird.. hmm

Ok I have a few things for you to check out. Real head wreckers

I do warn you after reading these 3 things you will be disturbed

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Done Done Done

Ok that's it exam is done and yeah it was not difficult. I don't know why but for the fisrt time in my life I'm confident that this is an easy pass. So onto the rest of the day...I have mannafest reception at 5 then mannafest at 6 then mannafest party at 10 so really fun night. Oh and I don't do back to uni until the 29th January... lovin it!

So yeah , in regards to music if anyone has any new music or local music send them this way. Email me

SO that about wraps it up, oh and i got this book by Dave crowder called praise habit. It's good so far. Dave C speaks the way i speak so it sounds kinda like me. Funny that

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Start to panic

Ok so good news first. I got my flash results back, and did pretty good considering I flew through it in 2days. Here's the flash: ( please note it's not my level of work.. it's a quick job)

ok so the flash doesnt work... but you can view it here

And yeah my exam is on saturday and I'm worried, this will be the first exam I've done is 3 years and I know most of the stuff but I'm heart scared of screwing up like I do with all other of my exams. Goonna keep revising and see if I can calm myself down any.


Quiz and the likeness

Ok so I'm doing some quizzes and here's the results....

Whats inside your soul? Boys and Girls (PICS)

You are quite expressive and thoughtful. You see the world in a way that others are blind to.You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds. But be careful dont fly so high. You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you. That is because you are your true self to you and others. Your near future is likely to be filled with great successes and accomplishments. You just need to figure out how to get there. For you, falling in love is all about the adventure and uncertainty. You can only fall in love with someone who keeps you guessing. Interesting!!!Your fun, we should me friends.
Take this quiz!

Which fantasy class are you?

Priest or Priestess-You are generally friendly to those of those world, though your true passion lies in your devotion to your diety. In battle, you stay out of the way and heal those who are hurt. Your power is in your staff, which is a medium for your magic.
Take this quiz!

ok so... that's all for now... feel free to leave comments. Or something

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Lazy days

Ok so today, I have been doin some revision, catching up on the 2nd series of Lost. And doing some time here on the interweb.

Hmm i have work tonight how fun. My DVD player is still broken and I really hate exams.

So yeah one thing I think you should check out is Last FM. it monitors what you listen to and suggests other music you like. You can check out my profile to see what i like. Or here's a quick summary of my last tracks


A cut above the rest

Ok so my hair is cut... below is a picture, hmm so hit me back and tell me what u think

Now it's time to do some revision. Yipee

Here's a sample question

Question Four.

(a) A CD can hold approximately 650Mb of data. If you attempted to record a mono radio broadcast at a sampling rate of 22KHz and a sample resolution of 16-bits, how many seconds of broadcast could you store on a single CD?
(6 marks)

(b) Several competing sound formats are in use on the WWW. Among the most popular are MIDI, MPEG and WAV. Describe briefly each of these formats.
(9 marks)

(c) RealAudio sound files employ streaming media technology. In this context what is meant by the term ‘streaming media’?
(5 marks)

(d) In the absence of direct streaming, a buffering technique can be adopted. Outline
how this technique operates.
(5 marks)

So yeah that's how it goes.

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Hair today, gone tomorrow

Good morning world. well it is near afternoon but hey you can't expect me to get up in the morning every day.
So yeah I'm going to get my hair cut in less than an hour. Yay!! oh and after that I'll probably be studying. One has an exam on Saturday (i know saturday, what is going on there?)

The exam is on Multimedia stuff. to be more clear. See below

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the fundamental multimedia concepts
  2. Use Such knowledge and understanding in the implementation of interactive multimedia solutions using multimedia authoring software
  3. Effectively communicateand justify basic technical choices that were made when implementing interactive multimedia solutions
So that is what the exam is basically about. I'm just waiting on Kosumo to send me notes and I will probably look up some exam questions while I wait.



The Beginning

Ok so this is the official home of the phoenix. Feel free to drop me a line at any time.